Friday, August 5, 2011

3 months old & going back to work

Has it really been 3-1/2 months already? Time passes by with the blink of an eye and you don't even realize it. Today, I keep hearing the Kenny Chesney song, "Don't Blink" in my head.

Joshua, 3 months old

It seems like only yesterday that I was calling Mike home from work because I wasn't sure if I was going into labor with little man and now I am on my last official day of leave and getting ready to rejoin the working world.

The time I have spent home with the kids this summer has fast and interesting. Since Joshua is our LAST baby, I have really been able to appreciate him much more! He is getting so big so fast. I look at him & then look at Jeremy, Brianna and Bella and how big they are and just want to tell him, "slow down, your getting too big!"

He's at that fun age right now where you talk to him and he smiles back at the sound of your voice and he tries so hard to talk back to you but all you get are the coos. I mentioned to my mother-in-law last week that I should have taken pictures of Joshua's legs from the time he was born til now. He was so tiny when he was born and now his legs are so chunky. It would have been a funny progression of pictures to see.

Last week I went by the daycare where Josh will soon be joining Bella to let her visit with her friends and to take Josh by the nursery so that they can see him.

I had hoped that he would be able to spend a few hours there this Thursday & Friday to start the process of separation but that was a no go. I called this week and was told they didn't have enough staff on hand for his drop in visits. So, it looks like we will be going to daycare on Monday and dropping him off cold turkey.  I am praying for a smooth transistion from being with mommy all day to being in daycare and being given a bottle. (tearing up at this thought)

Enjoying tummy time w/ daddy!

This last week at home has been filled with all the projects that I have been wanting to do all summer but just put off until another day. I have gone to war with our dining room/playroom and won. I have battled our room/kids room and won that war too!

Today, however, will be spent, in bed with my two little ones. Bella watching her "commercials" (she calls her cartoons commercials we don't know why) and with Joshua curled up in my arms. I don't intend to do anything constructive today. I just want enjoy my last official day at home with them. I don't plan on leaving that house at all, that is, until Jeremy needs to be at work. :)

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet summation of your last day. Hope you have a great start back at work.
